Source code for

Module offering tools for managing and playing different kinds of media data.

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Event

from gi.repository import GObject, ClutterGst, Clutter

import pisak
from pisak import res
from pisak import properties, configurator

[docs]class MediaPlaybackIface: """ Interface of players of different kinds of media data. """
[docs] def play(self): """ Start playing the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop playing the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pause playing the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_playing(self): """ Return the status of the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_duration(self): """ Get duration of the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rewind_to(self, position): """ Rewind the media stream to the given position. :param position: new position """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rewind_forward(self): """ Rewind the media stream forward. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rewind_backward(self): """ Rewind the media stream backward. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def increase_volume(self): """ Increase volume of the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def decrease_volume(self): """ Decrease volume of the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_volume(self, value): """ Set volume of the media stream to the given value. :param value: new volume value """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_elapsed_time(self): """ Get elapsed time of the media stream. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MediaPlayback(Clutter.Actor, MediaPlaybackIface, properties.PropertyAdapter, configurator.Configurable): """ Tool for controlling playback of different kinds of media data, being a wrapper of an inernal ClutterMedia. """ __gsignals__ = { "progressed": ( GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (GObject.TYPE_FLOAT, GObject.TYPE_FLOAT,)), "started-playing": ( GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, ()), "eos": ( GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, ()), "limit-declared": ( GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (GObject.TYPE_FLOAT,)) } __gproperties__ = { "rewind_step": ( GObject.TYPE_FLOAT, None, None, 0, GObject.G_MAXUINT, 2, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "skip_step": ( GObject.TYPE_FLOAT, None, None, 0, GObject.G_MAXUINT, 30, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "volume_step": ( GObject.TYPE_FLOAT, None, None, 0, 1, 0.05, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "engine": ( Clutter.Actor.__gtype__, "", "", GObject.PARAM_READWRITE) } def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._engine = None self.rewind_direction = None self.rewind_step = 3 self.skip_step = 30 self.volume_step = 0.1 self.volume = pisak.config.as_int('sound_effects_volume') / 100 self.rewind_pace = 200 # pace of rewinding in miliseconds self.rewind_timer_handler = None self.rewind_timer = self.rewind_timer.set_repeat_count(-1) self.filename = "" # needed as fail safe for sudden progress jumps self.previous_progress = 0 self.apply_props() @property def engine(self): return self._engine @engine.setter def engine(self, value): """ Engine to be used for streaming media content. At the moment it should be ClutterMedia. When set, default audio volume level is applied and handler is connected to signal emitted on media progress changes. :param value: instance of an engine. """ self._engine = value if value is not None: value.connect("notify::progress", self._on_progressed) value.set_audio_volume(self.volume) @property def rewind_step(self): """ Step of rewinding in seconds. """ return self._rewind_step @rewind_step.setter def rewind_step(self, value): self._rewind_step = value @property def skip_step(self): """ Step of skipping in seconds. """ return self._skip_step @skip_step.setter def skip_step(self, value): self._skip_step = value @property def volume_step(self): """ Step of volume changes. """ return self._volume_step @volume_step.setter def volume_step(self, value): self._volume_step = value @property def filename(self): """ Path to the file with media stream. Setting this property cause loading of a media stream to the player. """ return self._filename @filename.setter def filename(self, value): self._filename = value if value is not None and self.engine is not None: self._engine.set_filename(value) self._declare_stream_length() def _on_progressed(self, source, event): progress = self._engine.get_progress() if not progress - self.previous_progress == 1: self.emit("progressed", progress, progress * self._engine.get_duration()) if progress >= 1: self._on_eos() self.previous_progress = progress def _on_eos(self): self.rewind_timer.stop() self.stop() self.emit("eos") def _declare_stream_length(self): self.emit("limit-declared", self._engine.get_duration()) def _rewind_forward(self): self._move_forward(self.rewind_step) def _rewind_backward(self): self._move_backward(self.rewind_step) def _move_forward(self, step): try: to = min(self._engine.get_progress() + step / self._engine.get_duration(), 1) self._engine.set_progress(to) except ZeroDivisionError: pass def _move_backward(self, step): try: to = max(self._engine.get_progress() - step / self._engine.get_duration(), 0) self._engine.set_progress(to) except ZeroDivisionError: pass def _toggle_rewind(self, where): was_rewinding = self.rewind_timer.is_playing() if was_rewinding: self.rewind_timer.stop() if not was_rewinding or self.rewind_direction != where: if self.rewind_timer_handler is not None: self.rewind_timer.disconnect(self.rewind_timer_handler) self.rewind_timer_handler = \ self.rewind_timer.connect("completed", lambda *_: where()) self.rewind_timer.start() self.rewind_direction = where
[docs] def get_duration(self): """ Get duration of the media stream in seconds. :return: duration, integer. """ return self._engine.get_duration()
[docs] def move_to(self, position): """ Move to the given position. :param position: normalized value between 0 and 1. """ self._engine.set_progress(position)
[docs] def get_elapsed_time(self): """ Get media stream elapsed time in seconds. :return: elapsed time, float. """ return self._engine.get_duration() * self._engine.get_progress()
[docs] def play(self): """ Start playing the media stream. """ self.stop_rewind() self._engine.set_playing(True) self.emit("started-playing")
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop playing the media stream and move to the beginning. """ self.stop_rewind() self._engine.set_playing(False) self._engine.set_progress(0)
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pause playing of the media stream. """ self.stop_rewind() self._engine.set_playing(False)
[docs] def is_playing(self): """ Return the status of the media stream. :return: boolean. """ return self._engine.get_playing()
[docs] def set_volume(self, value): """ Set volume of the media stream. :param value: normalized volume value between 0 and 1. """ self._engine.set_audio_volume(value)
[docs] def skip_forward(self): """ Skip the media stream forward by the skip step. """ self._move_forward(self.skip_step)
[docs] def skip_backward(self): """ Skip the media stream backward by the skip step. """ self._move_backward(self.skip_step)
[docs] def toggle_rewind_forward(self): """ Start or stop rewind the media stream forward. """ self._toggle_rewind(self._rewind_forward)
[docs] def toggle_rewind_backward(self): """ Start or stop rewind the media stream backward. """ self._toggle_rewind(self._rewind_backward)
[docs] def increase_volume(self): """ Increase volume of the media stream by the volume step. """ self.volume = min(self.volume + self.volume_step, 1) self._engine.set_audio_volume(self.volume) pisak.config['sound_effects_volume'] = str(int(self.volume * 100))
[docs] def decrease_volume(self): """ Decrease volume of the media stream by the volume step. """ self.volume = max(self.volume - self.volume_step, 0) self._engine.set_audio_volume(self.volume) pisak.config['sound_effects_volume'] = str(int(self.volume * 100))
[docs] def stop_rewind(self): """ Stop any on-going process of media stream rewinding. """ if self.rewind_timer.is_playing(): self.rewind_timer.stop()
[docs]class AudioPlayback(MediaPlayback): """ Tool for controlling playback of audio stream. """ __gtype_name__ = "PisakAudioPlayback" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.engine = ClutterGst.VideoTexture()
[docs]class VideoPlayback(MediaPlayback): """ Tool for controlling playback of video stream. Out of order, so far. """ __gtype_name__ = "PisakVideoPlayback" def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def set_subtitle_from_file(self, path): """ Set subtitle for the current video stream. Format of a subtitle file should be one of these: TXT. :param path: path to a file containing subtitle. """ self._engine.set_subtitle_uri(path)
[docs] def set_subtitle_font(self, font): """ Set font of a subtitle. :param font: font of a subtitle. """ self._engine.set_subtitle_font_name(font)