Source code for pisak.media_library

Module that creates a model out of the media library stored in the file system.
Library that will be created has a two-level structure, that is, many different
categories, each containing many items.
Module provides also management system for library items marked as favourites.
import os.path

from collections import namedtuple
import magic
import configobj

from pisak import res, exceptions, logger

_LOG = logger.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class LibraryException(exceptions.PisakException): """ Exception thrown when the media library met some unexpected condition. """ pass
[docs]class Category: """ Category of items that share some common trait, i.e belong to the same folder etc. :param category_id: id number of the category. :param name: name of the category. """ def __init__(self, category_id, name): = category_id = name self._items = [] self._dict_items = {} def _do_remove_item(self, item): try: self._items.remove(item) self._dict_items.pop(item.path) self._dict_items.pop( except (ValueError, KeyError): _LOG.warning('No such item in the category: {}.'.format(item))
[docs] def get_preview_path(self): """ Get preview of the category assuming that its items have attribute named 'path'. :return: path attribute of the first item or None. """ if len(self._items) > 0: return self._items[0].path
[docs] def remove_item(self, item): """ Remove the given item from the category. :param item: item instance. """ self._do_remove_item(item)
[docs] def remove_item_by_path(self, item_path): """ Remove item with the given path from the list of category items. :param item_path: path attribute of the item. """ try: self._do_remove_item(self._dict_items[item_path]) except KeyError: _LOG.warning('No such item in the category: {}.'.format(item_path))
[docs] def get_item_by_path(self, item_path): """ Get item with the given path from the list of category items. :param item_path: path attribute of the item. :return: item or None. """ try: return self._dict_items[item_path] except KeyError: _LOG.warning('No such item in the category: {}.'.format(item_path))
[docs] def append_item(self, item): """ Add item to the category. :param item: item instance. """ self._items.append(item) self._dict_items[item.path] = item self._dict_items[] = item
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the whole category, remove all the items. """ self._items.clear() self._dict_items.clear()
[docs] def get_all_items(self): """ Get all items from the category. :return: list of items. """ return self._items
'''Single item from the media library. Each one should be characterized by an unique id and path to the corresponding file in the file system, with 'extra' being a container for specific purpose attributes. ''' Item = namedtuple("Item", ("id", "path", "extra"))
[docs]class FavouritesStore: """ Container for managing items marked as favourite. List of their paths is stored in a file in res directory. :param path: path to a file where info about the favourites is stored. """ def __init__(self, path): self._favs_store = configobj.ConfigObj(path, encoding='UTF8')
[docs] def get_all(self): """ Get list of all favourite items. Before return, each record is examined if it does refer to an existing file in the file system. If negative, then it is removed from the list and such updated list is saved. :return: list of paths to favourite items. """ favs = list(filter(lambda path: os.path.isfile(path), (self._favs_store.get("favs") or []))) self.write(favs) return favs
[docs] def write(self, favs): """ Save the given list of items to the file. Save is done only if the given list differs from the list stored. :param favs: list of paths to favourite items. """ pre_favs = self._favs_store.get("favs") if favs != pre_favs: self._favs_store["favs"] = favs self._favs_store.write()
[docs] def insert(self, path): """ Insert one favourite item to the list. Item is represented by its path. :param path: path to the item. """ favs = self.get_all() if path not in favs: favs.append(path) self.write(favs)
[docs] def remove(self, path): """ Remove one favourite item from the list. If not in list then nothing happens. :param path: path to the item. """ favs = self.get_all() if path in favs: favs.remove(path) self.write(favs)
[docs] def is_in(self, path): """ Check if item with the given path has been marked as favourite. :param path: path to the item. :return: boolean. """ return path in self.get_all()
[docs]class Library: """ Library store. Contains lists with categories and items. :param path: path to the directory in the file system that library is located in. :param accepted_types: list of file types that will be accepted and included as items while scanning the file system. :param favs_store_path: path to the file that favourite items will be stored in. :param favs_alias: alias for the category containing favourite items that may be displayed to user. :param exec_for_all: callable that will be executed for each item found while scanning the file system. """ def __init__(self, path, accepted_types, favs_store_path=None, favs_alias=None, exec_for_all=None): self.path = path self.accepted_types = accepted_types self.favs_store_path = favs_store_path self.favs_alias = favs_alias self.exec_for_all = exec_for_all self.favs_store = None self._categories = [] self._items = [] self._dict_items = {} self._dict_categories = {} self._scan() def _scan(self): scanner = _Scanner(self) scanner.scan()
[docs] def include_favs(self): """ If there are any items marked as favourite, include them in the library by creating a separate, artificial folder for them with field "id" set to -1. """ self.favs_store = FavouritesStore(self.favs_store_path) favs = self.favs_store.get_all() if favs: # category object for favourite items indexed as the -1 category = self.get_category_by_id(-1) if not category: category = Category(-1, self.favs_alias) self.insert_category(0, category) category.clear() for item in favs: item = self.get_item_by_path(item) if item: category.append_item(item) if len(category.get_all_items()) == 0: self.remove_category(category)
[docs] def add_item_to_favourites(self, path): """ Add item with the given path to the favourites. If already marked as one, nothing happens. :param path: path to the item. """ if self.favs_store is None: return self.favs_store.insert(path) category = self.get_category_by_id(-1) if not category: category = Category(-1, self.favs_alias) self.insert_category(0, category) if not category.get_item_by_path(path): item = self.get_item_by_path(path) if item: category.append_item(item)
[docs] def is_in_favourites(self, path): """ Check if the given item is in the favourites store already. :param path: path to the item. :return: boolean. """ return self.favs_store.is_in(path)
[docs] def remove_item_from_favourites(self, path): """ Remove item with the given path from the favourites. If not in favourites, nothing happens. :param path: path to the item. """ if self.favs_store is None: return self.favs_store.remove(path) category = self.get_category_by_id(-1) if category: item = category.get_item_by_path(path) if item: category.remove_item(item)
[docs] def get_category_by_id(self, category_id): """ Get category with the given index. :param category_id: index of the category :returns: category or None. """ try: return self._dict_categories[category_id] except KeyError: _LOG.warning('No such category in the library: {}.'.format(category_id))
[docs] def get_item_by_id(self, item_id): """ Get item with the given index. :param item_id: index of the item. :returns: item or None. """ try: return self._dict_items[item_id] except KeyError: _LOG.warning('No such item in the library: {}.'.format(item_id))
[docs] def get_item_by_path(self, item_path): """ Get item with the given path. :param item_path: path of the item. :returns: item or None. """ try: return self._dict_items[item_path] except KeyError: _LOG.warning('No such item in the library: {}.'.format(item_path))
[docs] def remove_item_by_path(self, item_path): """ Remove item with the given path. :param item_path: path of the item. """ try: item = self._dict_items[item_path] self._items.remove(item) self._dict_items.pop(item_path) self._dict_items.pop( except (ValueError, KeyError): _LOG.warning('No such item in the library: {}.'.format(item_path))
[docs] def append_item(self, item): """ Add item to the library. :param item: item instance. """ self._items.append(item) self._dict_items[item.path] = item self._dict_items[] = item
[docs] def get_id_for_new_item(self): """ Get id for new item to be inserted to the library. :return: new id calculated in such a way that ids of all the items in the library are sorted in an ascendant order and then the highest value id + 1 is returned as the id. Ids start from 0. """ return (max([key for key in self._dict_items if isinstance(key, int)]) + 1) if \ len(self._dict_items) > 0 else 0
[docs] def append_category(self, category): """ Add category to the library. :param category: category instance. """ self._categories.append(category) self._dict_categories[] = category
[docs] def insert_category(self, idx, category): """ Insert category to the library. :param idx: index, integer. :param category: category instance. """ self._categories.insert(idx, category) self._dict_categories[] = category
[docs] def remove_category(self, category): """ Remove category from the library. :param category: category instance. """ try: self._categories.remove(category) self._dict_categories.pop( except (ValueError, KeyError): _LOG.warning('No such category in the library: {}.'.format(category))
[docs] def get_all_items(self): """ Get all items from the library. :return: list of items. """ return self._items
[docs] def get_all_categories(self): """ Get all categories from the library. :return: list of categories. """ return self._categories
class _Scanner: """ Library scanner. Scans directories using :func:`os.walk`. """ def __init__(self, library): self.library = library self.magic = | magic.SYMLINK) self.magic.load() def get_item_paths(self): """ Get paths to the all items in the library. :return: set with paths to all items. """ return set([item.path for item in self.library.get_all_items()]) def scan(self): """ Scan the library directory for all items. """ next_cat_id = 0 next_item_id = 0 for current, _subdirs, files in os.walk(self.library.path): if current.startswith('.'): continue category_name = self._generate_category_name(current) new_category = Category(next_cat_id, category_name) for file in files: item_path = os.path.join(current, file) if not self._test_file_ext(item_path): continue new_item = Item(next_item_id, item_path, {}) if self.library.exec_for_all is not None: self.library.exec_for_all( new_category, new_item, item_path, current, os.path.split(current)[-1], files) new_category.append_item(new_item) self.library.append_item(new_item) next_item_id += 1 if len(new_category.get_all_items()) > 0: self.library.append_category(new_category) next_cat_id += 1 def _generate_category_name(self, path): if path == self.library.path: return os.path.split(path)[1] else: return path.partition(self.library.path)[2][1:] def _test_file_magic(self, path): file_type = self.magic.file(path) return file_type in self.library.accepted_types def _test_file_ext(self, path): return os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower() in self.library.accepted_types