Source code for pisak.unit

Module gives access to various properties of the device screen and relations
between them. They should be relevant no matter which operating system is
being used. It also contains tools for conversion between different units.
import sys
from collections import namedtuple

MonitorSizeMM = namedtuple('MonitorSizeMM', 'width height')
MonitorSizePix = namedtuple('MonitorSizePix', 'width height')

size_pix = None
size_mm = None


[docs]def initialize(): global size_pix, size_mm, MONITOR_X, MONITOR_Y, MONITOR_DPMM, MONITOR_DPI if "--debug" in sys.argv: size_pix = MonitorSizePix(800, 600) MONITOR_X = 0 MONITOR_Y = 0 MONITOR_DPI = 96.0 MONITOR_DPMM = MONITOR_DPI / 25.4 size_mm = MonitorSizeMM(size_pix.width / MONITOR_DPMM, size_pix.height / MONITOR_DPMM) else: from gi.repository import Gdk screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() n_monitors = screen.get_n_monitors() primary_monitor_id = screen.get_primary_monitor() if '--monitor-secondary' in sys.argv: if n_monitors > 1: for m_id in range(n_monitors): if m_id != primary_monitor_id: monitor_id = m_id break else: monitor_id = primary_monitor_id else: monitor_id = primary_monitor_id monitor_geometry = screen.get_monitor_geometry(monitor_id) MONITOR_X = monitor_geometry.x MONITOR_Y = monitor_geometry.y size_pix = MonitorSizePix(monitor_geometry.width, monitor_geometry.height) size_mm = MonitorSizeMM(screen.get_monitor_width_mm(monitor_id), screen.get_monitor_height_mm(monitor_id)) try: MONITOR_DPMM = size_pix.width / size_mm.width except ZeroDivisionError: MONITOR_DPMM = 72 / 25.4 size_mm = MonitorSizeMM(size_pix.width / MONITOR_DPMM, size_pix.height / MONITOR_DPMM) MONITOR_DPI = MONITOR_DPMM * 25.4
[docs]def mm(value): """ Convert milimeters to number of pixels. :param value: milimeters. :return: number of pixels, as integer. """ return int(value * MONITOR_DPMM)
[docs]def w(v): """ Get the number of pixels covering the given part of the device screen in horizontal direction. :param v: floating point number, from 0 to 1. :return: number of pixels, as float. """ return v * size_pix.width
[docs]def h(v): """ Get the number of pixels covering the given part of the monitor in vertical direction. :param v: floating point number, from 0 to 1. :return: number of pixels, as float. """ return v * size_pix.height
[docs]def pt_to_px(pt): """ Convert points to number of pixels. :param pt: number of points. :return: number of pixels, as float. """ return pt * MONITOR_DPMM