Source code for

Module providing access to the email account through the imap client.
import threading
import socket
import imaplib
import email
import time
import functools

from pisak import logger, exceptions
from import config, parsers

# monkeypatch because of too low limit set by default in the std module,
# that has not been accommodated to the modern world standards yet.
imaplib._MAXLINE = 1000000

_LOG = logger.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class IMAPClientError(exceptions.PisakException): """ IMAP protocol-related unexpected condition met by the client. """ pass
[docs]class MailboxNotFoundError(IMAPClientError): """ Error raised when some mailbox can not be found. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidCredentialsError(IMAPClientError): """ Error raised when an authentication attempt fails because of invalid credentials. """ pass
def _imap_errors_handler(custom_error): """ Decorator. Handles errors related to IMAP server connection. :param custom_error: error type that should be thrown when any IMAP related error is ecountered. """ def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def handler(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except socket.timeout: raise except socket.error as exc: raise exceptions.NoInternetError(exc) from exc except imaplib.IMAP4.error as exc: raise custom_error(exc) from exc return handler return wrapper MAILBOX_HEADERS = { "inbox": ["Subject", "From", "Date"], "sent_box": ["Subject", "To", "Date"] }
[docs]class IMAPClient: """ Class representing an email account connection. Used access protocol - IMAP. """ def __init__(self, custom_config=None): self._lock = threading.RLock() self._conn = None self._positive_response_code = "OK" self._setup = custom_config or config.Config().get_account_setup() self._sent_box_name = self._setup["sent_folder"] def _call(self, method, *args, **kwargs): with self._lock: func = getattr(self._conn, method) return func(*args, **kwargs) @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError)
[docs] def login(self): """ Login to the IMAP account. """ server_in = self._setup["IMAP_server"] port_in = self._setup["IMAP_port"] if port_in == "993": self._conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL( server_in, port=port_in, keyfile=self._setup.get("keyfile"), certfile=self._setup.get("certfile") ) else: if port_in != "143": msg = "Port {} is not valid for IMAP protocol. " \ "Trying through 143." _LOG.warning(msg.format(port_in)) port_in = "143" self._conn = imaplib.IMAP4(server_in, port=port_in) self._do_login()
@_imap_errors_handler(InvalidCredentialsError) def _do_login(self): self._call('login', self._setup["address"], self._setup["password"]) @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError)
[docs] def logout(self): """ Logout from the account. """ with self._lock: conn_open = self._conn is not None if conn_open: self._call('select') self._call('close') self._call('logout') else: _LOG.warning("There is no connection to the email account." "Nowhere to logout from.")
[docs] def get_inbox_status(self): """ Get number of all messages in the inbox and number of the unseen messages. :return: tuple with two integers: number of all messages and number of unseen messages; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_mailbox_status("INBOX")
[docs] def get_sent_box_count(self): """ Get number of all messages in the sent box. :return: integers with number of all messages; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_mailbox_count(self._sent_box_name)
[docs] def get_message_from_inbox(self, id): """ Get message with the given id from the inbox. :param id: id of the message. :return: dictionary with the message; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_message("INBOX", id)
[docs] def get_message_from_sent_box(self, id): """ Get message with the given id from the box of sent messages. :param id: id of the message. :return: dictionary with the message; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_message(self._sent_box_name, id)
[docs] def get_many_previews_from_inbox(self, ids): """ Get many previews with the given ids from the inbox. :param ids: list of ids of the messages. :return: list of dictionaries with the previews; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_many_previews("INBOX", ids, MAILBOX_HEADERS["inbox"])
[docs] def get_many_previews_from_sent_box(self, ids): """ Get previews with the given ids from the box of sent messages. :param ids: list of ids of the previewss. :return: list of dictionaries with the previews; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_many_previews(self._sent_box_name, ids, MAILBOX_HEADERS["sent_box"])
[docs] def delete_message_from_inbox(self, id): """ Permanently delete the given message from the inbox. :param id: unique id of the message. """ self._delete_message("INBOX", id)
[docs] def delete_message_from_sent_box(self, id): """ Permanently delete the given message from the sent box. :param id: unique id of the message. """ self._delete_message(self._sent_box_name, id)
[docs] def get_inbox_ids(self): """ Get a list of ids of all the messages in the inbox. :return: list of ids; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_ids("INBOX")
[docs] def get_sent_box_ids(self): """ Get a list of ids of all the messages in the sent box. :return: list of ids; or False on query failure. """ return self._get_ids(self._sent_box_name)
@_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _get_ids(self, mailbox): self._call('select', mailbox) res, ids_data = self._call('search', None, "ALL") if res != self._positive_response_code: ret = False else: ret = ids_data[0].decode( parsers.DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace").split() return list(reversed(ret)) @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _delete_message(self, mailbox, id): self._call('select', mailbox) self._call('store', id, "+FLAGS", "\\Deleted") self._call('expunge') @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _get_many_previews(self, mailbox, ids, headers): self._call('select', mailbox) res, previews_data = self._call('fetch', ",".join(ids), "(BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS ({})])".format( " ".join(headers).upper())) if res != self._positive_response_code: ret = False else: ret = parsers.parse_mailbox_list(ids, previews_data, headers) return ret @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _find_mailboxes(self): """ It is strongly advised not to use this method right now. """ res, mailboxes_data = self._call('list') if res != self._positive_response_code: return False else: for mailbox in mailboxes_data: mailbox = mailbox.decode(parsers.DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace") if "sent" in mailbox.lower(): self._sent_box_name = mailbox.split()[-1].split('"')[1] @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _get_message(self, mailbox, id): self._call('select', mailbox) res, msg_data = self._call('fetch', id, '(RFC822)') if res != self._positive_response_code: ret = False else: ret = parsers.parse_message( msg_data[0][1].decode(parsers.DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace")) return ret @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _get_mailbox_count(self, mailbox): self._call('select', mailbox) res, ids_data = self._call('search', None, "ALL") if res != self._positive_response_code: ret = False else: ret = len(ids_data[0].decode( parsers.DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace").split()) return ret @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _get_mailbox_status(self, mailbox): res, status_data = self._call('status', mailbox, "(MESSAGES UNSEEN)") if res != self._positive_response_code: ret = False else: status = status_data[0].decode(parsers.DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace") ret = int(status[status.find("MESSAGES") : ].split()[1]), \ int(status[status.find("UNSEEN") : ].split()[1].rstrip(")")) return ret @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _append_to_mailbox(self, mailbox, message): res, _query_ret = self._call('append', mailbox, "", imaplib.Time2Internaldate(time.time()), message.as_string()) return res == self._positive_response_code @_imap_errors_handler(IMAPClientError) def _create_mailbox(self, mailbox): res, _query_ret = self._call('create', mailbox) return res == self._positive_response_code