Source code for
Email parsers.
import email
import time
from datetime import datetime
from pisak import logger
_LOG = logger.get_logger(__name__)
def _decode_message(message):
Decode content of the message.
:param message: non-multipart message object.
:return: decoded content of the message
content = message.get_payload(decode=True)
charset = message.get_content_charset(DEFAULT_CHARSET)
return content.decode(charset, "replace")
def _get_addresses(value, header=None):
Extract all addresses from a header with the given name.
:params value: single string with raw header value or
`email.message.Message` instance.
:param header: header name, obligatory when 'value' is an
`email.message.Message` instance.
:return: in case when 'value' param is an `email.message.Message`instance
then returns list of tuples containing name and address for each record,
if 'value' is a string then returns a single tuple of this kind.
if isinstance(value, str):
return email.utils.parseaddr(value)
elif isinstance(value, email.message.Message):
return email.utils.getaddresses(value.get_all(header, []))
_LOG.error("Invalid argument 'value'. Only string or "
"'email.message.Message' instance are accepted.")
def _parse_date(raw_date):
Parse date of the message.
:param raw_date: raw date string.
:return: datetime object or None in case of parsing failure
date_tuple = email.utils.parsedate(raw_date)
return datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(date_tuple)) \
if date_tuple else None
def _decode_header(header):
Decode the given header with charsets supplied within or
with the default charset.
:param header: raw header.
:return: single string with a decoded header.
headers = email.header.decode_header(header)
except email.errors.HeaderParseError:
return header.encode(DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace").decode(
for idx, (value, charset) in enumerate(headers):
if isinstance(value, bytes):
headers[idx] = value.decode(
charset or DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace")
elif isinstance(value, str):
headers[idx] = value.encode(
charset or DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace").decode(
charset or DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace")
return "".join(headers)
[docs]def parse_message(raw_message):
Parse the given raw message.
:param raw_message: single string with the whole raw message.
:return: dictionary containing all fields of parsed message.
parsed_msg = {}
msg = email.message_from_string(raw_message)
content_type = msg.get_content_maintype()
body = []
# look for plain text message body
if content_type == "multipart":
for part in msg.walk():
is_inline = part.get("Content-Disposition") in (None, "inline")
if part.get_content_type() == "text/plain" and is_inline:
elif content_type in ("text/plain", "text"):
parsed_msg["Body"] = "\n".join(body)
# put all the message fields into a dictionary
# look for all the addresses
parsed_msg["To"] = _get_addresses(msg, "To")
parsed_msg["From"] = _get_addresses(msg, "From")
# decode some headers that may need that
for header in ["Subject", "Date", "Message-ID"]:
if header in parsed_msg:
parsed_msg[header] = _decode_header(parsed_msg.get(header))
# convert date into datetime object if possible
date = _parse_date(parsed_msg.get("Date"))
if date:
parsed_msg["Date"] = date
return parsed_msg
[docs]def parse_mailbox_list(ids, msg_data, headers):
Parse list of message previews.
:param ids: list of the given messages ids.
:param msg_data: raw messages data.
:param headers: list of headers to be parsed.
:return: list of dictionaries containing parsed message previews.
mailbox_list = []
for idx, (_spec, msg) in enumerate(reversed(msg_data[::2])):
parsed_msg = {"UID": ids[idx]}
str_msg = msg.decode(DEFAULT_CHARSET, "replace")
for header_name in headers:
parsed_header = _decode_header(str_msg[
str_msg.find(header_name) + len(header_name)+1: ].split("\r\n")[0])
if header_name == "Date":
parsed_msg[header_name] = _parse_date(parsed_header) or \
elif header_name in ("From", "To"):
parsed_msg[header_name] = _get_addresses(parsed_header, header_name)
parsed_msg[header_name] = parsed_header
return mailbox_list